Thursday, April 7, 2016

Come Well :)

When one sees trees contemplate its branches, from time to time the light seen cannot be, not even a sigh from the rays of sunlight can be distinguished. However, there’s a certain calm within that shade that is compiled by the wooden presence of bronze, for one can feel protected. It can also be seen as a confinement as an enclosure and that is something that suggest limitation. But it can also be seen as a cocoon, as something that is waiting to see the light, something that is waiting its moment to be born, or maybe its not waiting, its willing to take its time, if there’s time, it is willing to live the process without thinking about time. Also, within the wonders of the foliage when one can see its flowers those ideas start to blossom or those memories start to nourish our spirit our mind our life, or when one can distinguish light well, or not distinguish, but when we can see how the rays of light filter through the branches, is also beautiful it is life, it is the interlacing that we create. 

A tree is present in one of our scenes. It’s purpose? It varies. A couple of examples are herein. The Miss-En-Scene is beautiful. There’re beautiful wooden hearts coloring down from a string from some branches here and there. There’s a beautiful manifestation of the literal art of loom coloring down one of its branches. A stream is running near by and it connects to that of a larger source. The stream will flow mechanics themselves, which we all are pretty well familiar with. There’s a seashell, who emanates warmth of the ocean floor. Caresses of light and water. There’s color. There’s creation. The young girls wonder and wander within; themselves and the scene.  

It is a story of our mind a story of our perceptions it is a story about how we live and why we live, just as much why we dream. 

And all we live all we dream in this world of fiction, our film, has life and not necessarily has death. Because it is fiction, we can have the luxury to live, to see the elements of our film living without considering the death of their existence. For there's no term. All these elements, remember, of what the water is and the like is open to the disposition of the audience, to our weaving in this art of loom that life is. Come well.