Would it be that when dancers pause and pose there comes a pulse? Is it so? When dancers pause an overture of silence is created. They lend in to the musicality of such pause that itself leads them to a rhythm they will eventually perform. Is it so? When dancers pause is it as if silence intercepted with the flow of their dance step. Is it so? Is that beat of an interval that travels through space, breaks up time—if it ever existed— that makes its way to the theater seats? Dancers know by that time that a pause within their movements can make their dance timeless. Soundless. Kind enough to allow the theater seats to catch up with their pulse. To recover from that incessant applause of their soul. Silence, with its own magnitude of sound resonates with the dance and with the sight that contemplates it. When dancers pause, are they now to listen to the humming of music? When dancers pause and pose is it to act out the singing of closing lips of that who gave them the music?
What is the music of our Film Opening then? Submerging… Do you feel it? Tapping water tapping feet with a riddle in mind, with a music of heart. Breathing. Wind chains. Ocean shore. Laughter. Silence. Interweaving. All of it. We’re getting closer. Let’s compose it! Why? For a genuine purpose! To keep it authentic :)